Monday, July 10, 2006

What We've Been Watching & Listening to Lately

Okay, I decided to share what we've been watching and listening to lately. Maybe you can reply with more info, insights, etc. Here goes...

Kim and I have not been watching too many movies lately. We have gone out and seen some of the blockbuster summer films, but none of them excited us too much. X-Men 3 was pretty good. Pretty darn good for a 3rd outing. Superman Returns was better than expected and made for an enjoyable film. Pirates 2 was a BIG let down for us. Too much ridiculous action, silly antics, and cliches. I know that's what the Pirates films are supposed to be like, but did you notice that the basic plot of Pirates 2 was the exact same as Pirates 1??? I'll leave my review at that. The best surprise of the summer so far has been Nacho Libre. This film was very funny, but used so many stereotypes that I felt a bit uncomfortable with it. I could see how this comedy could be taken as racist film. Jack Black acting as a Mexican luchador is really no different than the original Amos and Andy actors in black face (for the movie, not the TV show that actually used black actors). Other than films in the theater, we have only watched a few DVDs. At the top of our list is the MINUTEMEN documentary "We Jam Econo". Although it was not as good as the SST produced documentary from several years back, it was good and the quality of the sound and visuals were excellent! Great stuff! It's worth it alone for clean copies of the MINUTEMEN's music videos. The other DVD that we've been watching is the Cary Grant Box Set from Sony. This set has some true classic films with stunning prints: His Girl Friday, Holiday, Only Angels Have Wings, The Awful Truth, etc. All amazing films. We've also been wathcing way too much YouTube! If you don't know what it is, go check it out for yourself at:

You can find many great music videos and film clips there. My user name is "Signal30". Do a search for me and you can see some great punk, R&B, Rockabilly, and Western Swing clips that I've found and saved to my library. The two best are Screamin' jay Hawkins doing "I Put a Spell On You" and The Stalin (from Japan) videos.

Speaking of videos...WHITE FLAG just finished shooting a music video at our house for their song "Danger Island" for an upcoming DVD release in Japan. They used our two youngest kids and Kim in it. We'll let you know when it comes out and how you can view it (hopefully through YouTube).


Well, we've been listening to that things we are releasing of course. Listening to the CONTROLLERS new CD a lot. Also listening to Carl Perkins, Rudie Grayzell, The Pogues, Nervous Eaters, White Flag, King Oliver, California Ramblers, Jelly Roll Morton's Red Hot peppers, and much more.

That's enough for now...


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